Traffic Court


To pay traffic tickets and /or criminal fines ONLINE with a credit card click on the link below:

Payment can be made by money order or cashier’s check only if paying in person or by mail. Personal checks will not be accepted. We do accept cash in person.

Mail payment to:
Wilcox County District Court Clerk
P.O. Box 608
Camden, Alabama 36726
(Please include the UTC and/or case number)

For more information go to and choose Wilcox County.

Instructions For Paying Traffic Citations

Your ticket will have the date on which you will need to appear in court. All traffic tickets are scheduled for a specified day, time and place at the Wilcox County Courthouse.

You MUST either come to court on the date shown on your ticket or pay the ticket BEFORE your court date. The staff of the Clerk’s Office cannot grant continuances. You must submit any requests for continuance in writing to the judge, include case number on all correspondence. You may bring the request to the clerk’s office or mail to the address above.

If you fail to appear in court on the date shown or fail to pay the ticket before your court date, you may be subject to the following without prior notice to you:

  • An Alias warrant being issued for your arrest.
  • Your driver’s license being suspended.

Please be advised that there are certain charges and citations written (DUI, Driving with Suspended License, Reckless Driving, etc.) in which a person must appear in court and fines are not assessed until that appearance. This date will normally be listed on your ticket or you will be notified of this date when you make bond. Make sure the clerk’s office has your current mailing address.

The charges listed below can usually be paid prior to a court appearance or paid on the date of court listed on your ticket. If you come to the office, we gladly accept money orders and certified checks as payment. We do not accept cash. Credit and Debit Cards can be accepted.


Please mail all money orders or certified checks made payable to the Circuit Clerk and please list your name and ticket number (listed in the top right hand corner of your ticket) on it as well. You can also mail your payment, certified check or money order along with a copy of your ticket to our office prior to court, but credit card payments cannot be accepted by mail.

Please remember that a person has a right to appear in court and request a trial. Please note that some traffic violations cannot be paid without a court appearance.

Tickets which may be paid without a court appearance.

Offenses Fines and Costs
Speeding (less than 25 mph over limit) * $226.00
Speeding (more than 25 mph over limit) * $356.00
Driving on the wrong side of the road * $236.00
Failure to yield right of way * $226.00
Following too closely * $226.00
Improper backing * $226.00
Improper passing * $226.00
Improper signal * $226.00
Improper turn * $226.00
Running Red Light/Stop Sign * $226.00
Stopping on highway * $236.00
Driving without a license (Does NOT include Driving while revoked, canceled, or suspended) $281.00
Failure to dim headlights $226.00
Failure to use safety belt $46.00
Failure to use child restraint $231.00
Improper brakes $226.00
Improper lights $226.00
Improper muffler $226.00
Improper or no rearview mirror $226.00
Improper tag/No tag $231.00
Improper tires $226.00
Improper window tinting $226.00
No helmet (Motorcycle) $216.00
Violating driver license restrictions $266.00


Please note that traffic violations not listed in the chart above cannot be paid without court appearance.

Defensive Driving School Options

If you have been charged with an offense indicated with an asterisk (*) in the chart above, you may be eligible to have your case dismissed upon completion of a Defensive Driving course and payment of court costs. This will allow you to avoid a court appearance and will prevent the accrual of points assessed against your Alabama Driver’s License as a result of this offense. To qualify for Driving School, you must:

  1. Be charged with an offense eligible for Driving School
  2. Have no previous citation for a moving violation and have never been arrested for DUI, and
  3. Be approved for Driving School by the District Attorney. Call (256) 927-5577 and speak with an Asst. D.A.

If you are approved for Defensive Driving your case may be dismissed upon payment of court costs after your completion of driving school. If you are NOT eligible for driving school, you may still avoid a court appearance by following the instructions at the top of this page.